Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Join Mee! *Fitness

Lately i've been trying to work out more. normally i work out at home (sit ups, pushups or running with the wii fit), but now i've been trying to get out more and work-out outside. last week i went for a run (i'm never doing that again--its supposed to get up to 92 degrees!!!), but yesterday i went for a 40 minute walk around the neighborhood and i hope to continue to work towards my goal of flat abs, thinner theighs, and stronger arms.
jsyk- i'm not going off of pounds b/c
a)- the scale doesn't work
b)- its not about how much you weigh, its about how you feel.
However, when it gets really hot outside like it did today, i still do enjoy working out indoors. My favoriate thing to do is to go on youtube and search "learn to dance" and dance do the dance moves that the instructer teaches me. it's a great workout thats fun and free.
or you can type things like "learn to kickbox", or "learn karate". They all help alot.

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