Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stupid Braidout... >:(

I did another braid out again. I did it on damp hair. I woke up and it was still wet! That's bad for 3 reasons:
1: It's cold out side. I COULD'VE CAUGHT PNEUMONIA!
2: Cold weather + Wet hair = breakage
3. My braid out didn't fully set in and form the right curls

My outfit/hair of the day

All this contributed to the frizziness of my hair. I didn't use my Fantasia Frizz Buster as I usually do because I wanted to see how well the Garnier Sleek and Shine controlled my frizz. It didn't. At all. I woke up with frizzy hair and had frizzy hair the whole entire day. I was smart enough not to wear it down today and decided to quickly detangle and put it in a bun. I do like my curls to have a small amount of frizz to them because it makes them look more natural, but gosh! I looked like a troll doll today! So tonight I'm going to try a bantu knot out and hopefully it'll be cute in the morning.  

This proves that using no heat is going to be harder than I thought. I know ulovemegz (Youtube) only does braid outs on co-washed hair so I think I'm going to take that advice and follow her lead. I'm not giving up on not using heat because I really want my hair to grow, but if I keep having days like this I'm going to be doing a lot more roller set/saran wrap methods in the near future.

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