Friday, February 4, 2011

I've made my descision.

Apparently Target doesn't sell GF sleek and shine in travel sizes, they only sell daily care.

Since I've already bought the HE Hydraliscious conditioner, I'll just buy the shampoo and find another pre-poo to use. So I'll use Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner, but I'll use Garnier styling products and leave-ins. 

Tomorrow's Shopping List:
HE Hydraliscious Reconditioning Shampoo
GF anti-frizz serum
GF anti-humidity smoothing milk

I normally don't have frizzy hair. (when it's straight) But when I wear it curly, its always so frizzy so that's why I need so many anti-frizz products.

I also joined another challenge on KISS, its neck length to shoulder length by April 2011. the rules are:

Must Moisturize and seal every night!-With either Castor oil, almond oil, avocado oil, or any type of oil you have
Deep condition 2x a week

Co-Wash 1x every 2 weeks
-depends on what you like

Oil scalp everyday other day like Monday then Friday.
- a good oil (Castor oil )

Wear protective styles :
-Draw string
-Braid outs

Like I did for the heat challenge, I will alter some of the rules to suit my needs.
-I don't think I'll co-wash once every 2 weeks, more like 1x a week.
-I oil my scalp with Castor oil every day-not a few times a week. (when I get closer to my relax date then I'll stop oiling with Castor oil so often)

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