Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hiii! :)

I have a reallly good excuse for bein gone for so long! My computer was in the shop and I couldn't blog except for on my phone! Blogging on my phone is terrible so I don't think I'll be doing that again anytime soon. I have soo much to say but I don't want to have a super-long blog.

-Today I bought a 2 oz thing of castor oil. It's super tiny but I hope it does wonders for my hair. I'll be mixing that into my DC's and probably be oiling my scalp with it once a week.

-I said before that I wanted to try Elasta QP products once I finished the Aphogee and/or Silk Elements. I have now changed my mind and I want to use Herbal Essences. I might try the 'Long Term Relationship' full line because I like the conditioner and leave-in conditioner. However, it contains a lot of protein and that is something I want to stay away from for a while. I tried the 'Hello Hydration' conditioner line before but I didn't like it. BUT that was only one use AND now I know my hair needs to use a product more than once before I give it the thumbs up or thumbs down. Since I'm kind of wary of using the 'Hello Hydration' line, I could use the 'Hydraliscious' line instead. I'm not quite sure, but that's okay because I still have ways to go before I finish the shampoo and conditoners I am already using.

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