Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My terrible interview :'( And how you can find yourself a J-O-B

Soo.. my interview was HORRIBLE! I was so nervous and I didnt smile the whole time. I think I gave bad answers and I lied through the whole thing.
I THOUGHT the interview was going to be more like 'So what makes you qualified for this position?' or 'Why do you want to work at target?'
But they asked me questions more like 'When was the last time you saw that someone needed help and you helped them?' and 'Explain a time when you worked in a group and accomplished your goal'. What kind of questions are those? I mean I understand that they would help the interviewer know what kind of worker I am but those types of questions I can't study for.
Also, they didnt even ask the 'strenghts and weekness' question. That was a standard question for all interviews. I guess not.

And my sister said that there are three interviews and if you make it to the third one then you're hired. I didnt make it to the third interview BUT the lady who does the third interview wasn't there today and the girl who did my interview said 'You should be hearing from us soon'. So I don't know what that means. I've been on one other interview and the lady said that to me and I didn't get the job so I'm SUPER scared. I've been trying to get a job since I first turned 16- 9 months ago. And so far I haven't gotten one. :(


But I'll help you find a job and hopefully you'll get it:

-Check out SimplyHired.com, type in 'keywords' and your location.
good key words are:
'team member'
and things like that

-Go to CraigsList.com and look for jobs there.

-When you get an interview, go to their website to figure out what the company needs exactly for the position you're interviewing for.

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