Monday, August 16, 2010

SO happy for Sephora!

So, after watching countless youtube vidoes and hearing so much about how great Sephora is, I'm soo happy that my local JC Penny's is getting one. :)
a lot of people say its super expensive, but I went online and found that not everything is expensive. (most of it is, but not all of it.) I can't wait them to finish building it so i can look through the products and see what the hype is about.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

deleted youtube videos..

I deleted my youtube videos b/c i wanted to do makeup videos and hair tutorials. BUT I can't do those b/c:
       1. I have braids and can't talk too much about hair except how to care for your braids.
       2. I need a better understanding of how to do makeup before I start telling other people how to do it. lol.
      3. I'm starting a hair journey as soon as I take out my braids and I am in no way an expert (yet) on hair and how to make it healthy or how to make it grow.


And I haven't been writing a lot b/c I was busy at work and stuff. And this week I've been sick. :( I'm feeling better today though.

Working at target is okay..I prefer being a waitress but I'll get over it.